Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

I am not sure if you saw this or not, but back in July a public service announcement commercial aired in New York City talking about what to do in an nuclear emergency.

If you have not seen this video, then check it out here – https://youtu.be/zznmdUJbeU8

NYC PSA Nuclear Bomb


Just out of the blue New York pushes this video out to the public and people were saying “what the heck is going on?”

Are we expecting some sort of nuke being dropped on us or what?

It really surprised everyone seeing this.

It opens up with “So, there’s been a nuclear attack. Do ask how or why, but just know that the big one has hit. So what do we do?”

They go on to tell us that there are three important things to do…

1 – Get Inside Fast – and no, staying in the car is not an option. Get into a building and get away from the windows.

2 – Stay Inside – shut all the doors and windows. If you have a basement, go there. If you don’t, get as far into the middle of the building as possible. If the person was outside, get clean immediately and shower with soap and shampoo. Bag up all the clothing that you were wearing.

3 – Stay Tuned – and follow media for more information. Also do not go outside till officials say it is safe.

So why is the city of New York producing a video like this?

Fast forward to today and now all of a sudden, we are seeing signs on buses, subways, even in shopping malls talking about how to prepare for a nuclear radiation emergency.

Radiation Warning in the mall

We are seeing signs now in malls

We are seeing signs in subways.

We are seeing signs on the sides of buses.

We are even seeing signs on the sides of the highways. 

Oh… and here is another shopping mall.

Where to go if nuked

And another in another shopping mall

I mean seeing these is troubling enough, but the big question is why all of a sudden are we seeing these PSA commercials and signs popping up in public areas warning us on what to do in case of a nuclear attack?

Do the powers that be know something that they are not telling us?

Are we beginning to see a “soft push” to educate people knowing that a few will read these and act on it if something happens?

Kind of like the 80 / 20 rule. Where 80% of the people will not even bother reading these and 20% will.

Then there is the 2% like us that are asking questions as to why the big push to educate people on what to do during a nuclear bomb being dropped on us.

I mean I find this rather interesting and a bit concerning to tell you the truth.

Things Are Getting Pretty Hairy

On October 3rd we saw Putin threatening that he will push the button if he is pushed back into a corner. But which corner is that and how far is he willing to be pushed?

Putin Threatens The West

NOW… to top that off, on Oct 7th President Biden has used the word “Armageddon” and has authorized the government to purchase $290 Million in radiation sickness drugs… AKA Potassium Iodine or KI Pills.

Biden Buys KI Pills

Is it me or is there some sort of crazy going on out there. But worse, are the powers that be about to get us into a nuclear confrontation?

Just a few days ago Poland is preparing all their fallout shelters, and word is that Finland has run out of potassium iodine pills.

Poland Ready's Their Fall Out Shelters

This is insane.

But here is something interesting, while Congresswoman AOC was speaking at a town hall meeting some of her own constituents calls her out about her being part of starting a nuclear war and that she is doing nothing about it.

Watch it here – https://twitter.com/josbtrigga/status/1580364662419312641AOC Heckled by a anti-nuke protester


People are starting to wake up to the real fact that we might be seeing the “big one” being dropped somewhere within the US. And if not the US, then defeatedly in Europe, namely Ukraine.

So what is your gut feeling?

Don’t you find this strange as well?

But more than that, what are the powers that be doing behind the scenes and how concerned should be be?

I would like to know what YOU think.  Please comment below and let me hear your thoughts on what is going on and why the sudden appearance of all these signs and such.

If you have any questions or such that I can help with, please feel free to contact me at [email protected]

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#Thekiltedprepper  #raymondmhor


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7 thoughts on “What is Up? Nuclear Preparedness Signs Popping Up All Over – LOTS OF GRAPHICS”
  1. The Globalists will stop at nothing to maintain their control. They know they can’t lose power in November or there will be hell to pay for their crimes.
    They are baiting Putin. Interesting how they would accuse President Trump of being the one who would start a nuclear war, and now we see who is the true enemy.

  2. It’s a ploy to convince people to take “radiation medication” that just happens to have new RNA technology. A way to get you to voluntarily take the same stuff in the fake vaccines into your body and blame any side effects or death on the fake radiation.

  3. Rhetorical question to me. Those with eyes who see, ears who hear, know. Why they bother warning us is just normal “doing their job” to post PSAs based on known current or imminent threats. It should state, GTFO of Dodge asap, not take a shower and stay inside. But we know, they know we know.

  4. […] Great Awakening World Q + Trump, Telegram: All of a sudden, we are seeing signs on buses, subways, even in shopping malls talking about how to prepare for a nuclear radiation emergency. We need everybody home said Q. Martial law stay at home order is coming soon. This way you make sure everybody is going to see the revelations. https://raymondmhor.com/2022/10/what-is-up-nuclear-preparedness-signs-popping-up-all-over-lots-of-gr… […]

  5. […] Great Awakening World Q + Trump, Telegram: All of a sudden, we are seeing signs on buses, subways, even in shopping malls talking about how to prepare for a nuclear radiation emergency. We need everybody home said Q. Martial law stay at home order is coming soon. This way you make sure everybody is going to see the revelations. https://raymondmhor.com/2022/10/what-is-up-nuclear-preparedness-signs-popping-up-all-over-lots-of-gr… […]

  6. Fear tactics is Satans weapon. No one has to brow beat us with real things we need to be cautious about. Those who use fear tactics do so because they fear not being able to control us. Fear tactics is a typical abusers approach.

  7. […] Great Awakening World Q + Trump, Telegram: All of a sudden, we are seeing signs on buses, subways, even in shopping malls talking about how to prepare for a nuclear radiation emergency. We need everybody home said Q. Martial law stay at home order is coming soon. This way you make sure everybody is going to see the revelations. https://raymondmhor.com/2022/10/what-is-up-nuclear-preparedness-signs-popping-up-all-over-lots-of-gr… […]

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